Monday, March 5, 2012

Keeping up with the Benjamins!

Well hello Future!
Where have you been hiding yourself?
Well I think the past kept me away from you, you fabulous thang you.

Third month of the year of our Lord, twenty twelve and what do you know? I grow in love with Ben, short for The Benjamin. haha not just any Benjamin, The Benjamin. To know them is to love them. #stickwithmehoney's...I'll show you places. (

Thank you so very much to Fiona, Ariel, Charmiane, Tess, Sli & team for a fabulous weekend. I won't do a marketing shpeel, cause thats just so passe'. Marketing has just moved from yada-yada to being the brand. Something along the lines of: don't do as I say, do as I do! Yeah, you know you wanna so dont give me that funny look. What I will say is: you got to experience their hospitality, their smiles, their french loaf lunch sarmies, their water that screams "drink me now". I am not sure if its the strawberrys, black berries, flowers and lemon slices all nicely chopped up in the water that made water drinking my newest hobby but all I know is that Ben is the newest male name on my lips, after A*** the man after my very own heart! Everything has to be in alphabetic order *naughty grin*

 Hello Future, what was that about me having to loose weight? I cant hear you, please speak a bit louder, you are sounding like an 80year old right now. Oh Shurrup, I am my bra-size so don't tell me to act my bra size not my shoe size. Speaking about sizes, you are acting like my weight right now...okay you win! Sorry reader of my blog, I do have personal conversations with my future every now and then. Funny thing, my future sounds like my older sister! (A 40 something year old with no stretch mark, wrinkle or cellulite)...ggggrrrrr . Yes I am jelous, what went wrong with my genes? Back to me and you, the reader of my blog.

I will come back on here with my new, sexy looking, slimmers type of food, and holding thumbs that my butt would stop having a life of its own, and obey the rules. I own it damn it! It cant be spreading its own gospel

I will, I will, I will find a diet plan with food that does not make me pull funny faces...#bringingbacksexy!!
Stay fabulous or come to The Benjamin! Okay change of mind: lets do both. Fabulous and The Benjamin belong in one sentence, after all.

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